Our experience with the European Commission
MAF auditors has extensive experience in the revision of subsidies granted by the European Commission, having actively participated since the year 2008 in the inspections entrusted by the European Union to an international consortium of audit firms Belonging to the World PRIME Global Association of which we are a part.
From 2008 MAF auditors as a member of the International Association of Audit and accounting firms Polaris International (currently Prime Global), has conducted more than 50 financial audits of research and development projects (R & D), executed By universities, town halls, research centres and other entities, both public and private, subsidized by the European Commission’s Sixth Framework Programme (FP6).
Since 2009 MAF auditors as a member of the European Consortium of auditing firms, led by the English company LITTLEJOHN LLP, has carried out on behalf of DG ECHO (Directorate-General for Development cooperation and Civil protection) of the European Commission the Audit of humanitarian projects undertaken by all the Spanish NGOs participating in DG ECHO programmes.
Since 2012 MAF auditors has been carrying out, on behalf of the European Commission, audits of various projects subsidized by the following General Directorates and official bodies of the European Union:
EACEA (Executive agency of Education and Culture of the European Commission)
EASME (Executive Agency for Competitiveness and Innovation of the European Commission)
TEN T-EA (executive agency for the European Commission trans-European Transport network)
TEN E (Executive agency for the European Commission’s Trans-European energy Network)
DG CONNECT (Directorate-General for Communication, content and technology networks of the European Commission)
CLEAN SKY JOINT UNDERTAKING (Research and development program that brings together the largest companies in the aeronautical sector)
INNOVATIVE Medicines JOINT UNDERTAKING (Research and Development Programme of the European Commission for Innovation in the pharmacological sector)
Fuel cells and hydrogen JOINT UNDERTAKING (European Commission research and Development programme specializing in fuel cell and hydrogen innovation).
The projects reviewed so far are framed in the programmes, sponsored by the bodies previously indicated by the European Commission.