Manuel Morales López.
Economist, accounting auditor and business consultant.
Manuel Morales López. Managing partner
Since 1983 he has been conducting financial audits in international and Spanish companies, either private corporations or state-owned companies; during this period, he has worked in a multinational auditing company.
For almost fifteen years, he has performed inspection and control works over the Andalusian savings and rural banks, holding the responsibility position of that area in the Counselling of Economy and Finance, of the Junta de Andalucía.
He is a graduate in Business Science and Economic Science of the University of Malaga, and he has accomplished a specialization course in Economics of the Electricity Industry included in the Master’s degree in Industrial Economics of the University Carlos III de Madrid.
Manuel Morales is accounting auditor registered in the Official Register of Accounting Auditors (ROAC), part of the Institute of Accounting and Accounts Auditing ICAC, attached to the Spanish Ministry of the Economy and Taxes.
He is a member of the Ilustre Colegio de Economistas of Seville, of the Register of Economists Auditors (REA), attached to the Spanish General Council of Economists Associations and a full member of the Spanish Association of Accounting and Business Administration (AECA).
Furthermore, during four years he has given lessons as senior lecturer of the Financial Economics and Accounting department of the University of Seville and has participated as speaker in several seminaries and lectures about accounting and auditing which were organised by private and state-owned agencies.
He is an expert in developing economics expert reports prepared in several Spanish courts (Seville, Cadiz, Madrid, Barcelona, Valencia, Malaga, etc.); and also in the matter of cooperatives and state-owned companies.
Mª del Valle Alcoucer Palma
Graduate in Business Management and Administration of the University of Seville.
Mª del Valle Alcoucer Palma. State consulting manager
Graduate in Business Science and Economics Science
She is a graduate in Business Science and Economics Science of the University of Seville and has accomplished a Master’s degree in Business Management and Administration of the Instituto de Estudios El Monte (Cajasol).
Her broad experience includes more than fifteen years as a professional in the economic and financial field and she is the person in charge of providing a permanent attention to our clients in accounting and taxation matters, providing them information about legal news which could be of their interest and clarifying their daily doubts.
Amongst the large number of companies she advices, it is advisable to highlight those related to the wine industry and the export sector; in fact, she controls with skill the specific difficulties of these entities.
Her usual attendance to highly specialized seminaries and courses in Seville and Madrid keeps her abreast of her subjects of competence. In this respect, her availability and ability to communicate are greatly appreciated by our clients.
Carlos Martín Granados
Lawyer and business consultant.
Carlos Martín Granados. International consulting manager
Lawyer, Master’s degree in Business Management and Fiscal Advice.
In 1990, he begins his professional career advising multinational companies, and during these years his experience is focused on the real estate market and the residential tourism market.
He advices international companies and participates in their management, administration and implementation in Spain, collaborating on the search of investment and the development of their projects.
Making use of his contact with financial institutions, administrations, and companies of the real estate market and the hotel industry, he provides the foreign companies which ask for his specialized services with his experience, knowledge and professional relations, and becomes their person of trust in Spain or how they use to say “their Mister Spain”.
At present, he is a partner and director of several Spanish and British corporations which complement the investment consulting services.
Juan Carlos Caballero García
Graduate in Business Management and Administration.
Juan Carlos Caballero García. Grants manager
Graduate in Business Management and Administration
With more than eight years of experience in the field of the audit of accounts, he has taken part in projects belonging to a wide range of economic sectors (human resources consultancy firms, wine companies, companies in the construction sector, companies in the distribution sector, agricultural and livestock companies, companies in the textile industry, special employment centres, etc.).
On the other hand, he has conducted clearance of accounts evidencing grants at both domestic and international level, noteworthy are those listed below:
- Research and development projects financed by diverse agencies such as the CDTI, the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, the European Commission (Framework Programmes and the Research Fund for Coal and Steel), the IDEA Agency and the Andalusian Energy Agency.
- Other grants financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) such as INTERREG projects and regional incentives.
- Grants co-financed by the European Social Fund such as projects for occupational training, labour market studies and their dissemination, Andalucía Orienta, employment workshops, projects of general interest, EQUAL, etc.
Moreover, Juan Carlos Caballero García has closely collaborated with the Andalusian Technological Corporation (CTA) since 2007, working in the economic review of RDI projects financed by the CTA.
He is a graduate in Business Management and Administration, he has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Science and a Master’s degree in Audit of Accounts of the Instituto de Censores Jurados de Cuentas. He has been working in our company in this department since his incorporation in 2005.
Juan Luis Giráldez de la Cuadra
Bachelor in Business Science of the University of Seville.
Juan Luis Giráldez de la Cuadra. Domestic audit manager
Bachelor in Business Science
He is a bachelor in Business Science of the University of Seville, and he gathers more than 23 years of experience in audit of accounts and financial consulting works.
He has participated in a large number of seminaries, lectures, round table discussions, etc. focused in the field of accounting and auditing organised by private and state-owned entities.
He has grown professionally working equally within the public and the private sector.
Within the public sector, he has developed audits of annual accounts of different corporations and entities shared by provincial councils, local governments, associations of municipalities and autonomous communities. He has a deep knowledge about water supply and sanitation companies, provincial and local development companies, public foundations and associations.
And within the private sector he has developed audits of annual accounts of construction, civil and environmental engineering, shipbuilding, electricity sector, wine and marketing companies, and, also, of manufacturer’s agents among others.
Víctor Manuel Lázaro López
Graduate in Business Management and Administration of the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville.
Victor Manuel Lázaro López. International audit manager
Graduate in Business Management and Administration
He is a graduate in Business Management and Administration of the University Pablo de Olavide of Seville, he has a Master’s degree in Audit of Accounts of the University of Alcalá and a Master’s degree in Business Valuation of the University of Seville.
In 2006, after finishing his studies and having worked for an English investment firm in Maastricht (Holland), he joins MAF Auditores where, subsequently, begins to manage the newly established International Business department.
Since then, he has conducted a large number of audits corresponding to grants awarded by the European Commission to different Spanish recipients, for instance those grants corresponding to the Sixth Framework Programme (FP6) in matters of RDI and those corresponding to the Development Cooperation Programmes (DG ECHO), auditing the main Spanish NGOs.
Since 2012, he conducts the financial audits ordered by the European Commission of the grants corresponding to the programmes listed below:
- Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA) - Tempus, Longlife Learning Programme, Media, Erasmus and Comenius;
- Executive Agency for Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) - IEE, ICT-PSP, EIP, COSME and LIFE;
- Directorate General for Communications Networks, Content & Technology (DG CONNECT) - CIP;
- Trans – European Transport Network Executive Agency Programme (TEN-T EA);
- Trans – European Energy Networks Programme (TEN-E);
- Clean Sky Joint Undertaking (CSJU);
- Innovative Medicines Initiative Joint Undertaking (IMI JU);
- Fuel Cells and Hydrogen Joint Undertaking (FCH JU).
He speaks Spanish, English and French; and since 2010 he collaborates as expert in training courses given by DG ECHO aimed at the Spanish NGOs which are members of this Directorate General.